Fixing dates with exiftool on a google photos takeout library
Docker Compose on Windows for WordPress, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and WordPress CLI
Finding the frequency of a request in Application Insights
Finding differences between two tables in SQL
Unexpected behavior with DBCC checkident when reseeding an identity column in a table
GitHub - Make the code take up the full width of the browser
AutoFac - Dynamic resolution of services multiple levels deep
Blog moved to GitHub Pages
TFS - Merging changes from a renamed branch - No matching items found in $/[Project] at the specified version
Dormant Bugs
Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcut - Remove and Sort Usings
Common Table Expression for Fibonacci
Microsoft Fakes - Visual Studios Ultimate Mistake
Force StyleCop to Ignore a File
Forcing StyleCop Violations to Break a Build in Visual Studio and MSBuild
RGB for Beginners
Javascript Unit Tests with QUnit and jQuery
Basic Diff with a generic solution to the Longest Common Subsequence Problem
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